Why not a ‘Bank Whisperer’?

Just read a great article about Cesar Millan – the ‘Dog Whisperer’ (in ‘What the Dog Saw’ by Malcolm Gladwell). Those of you who have seen his NatGeo programme will know that he is able to help owners with their dysfunctional dogs by building a trust, setting expectations and then creating predictability in relations between them. Mostly, when he is called in to help, the issue is solved by him changing the way the owners interact with their dog.

Isn’t that just what is needed between businesses and their bankers at the moment?

The papers are full of how openness, trust, understanding and respect between them are at an all time low. Bankers will despair at this (or deny it) and business owners will feel frustrated, apprehensive and threatened.

Far be it for me to claim to be a ‘Bank Whisperer’ – but where I am involved in situations where a business owner despairs of the relationship with their bank (and realises that help is available) I have been able to bring about change. As much as the business thinks we have been able to change the behaviour of the bank, it is often that we have mainly changed how the business owner is interacting with the banker.

This can be achieved when you have the knowledge and experience to understand what goes into an effective working relationship between a business owner and a bank manager.

Don’t let your bank manager keep growling and threatening to bite you – but stop tugging at his/her lead or letting them see you are afraid!

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